Dalmatien, Muć, Bauindustrieland 43351m2

Grundlegende Informationen

  • Objekt-Kennnummer15405
  • Verkaufspreis1 300 530 € (9 798 843 kn)
  • Standort Gizdavac (21247)
  • Fläche43 351,00 m2
  • GrundstückstypBaugrundstück

Baugrundstück zu verkaufen, Gizdavac, 1 300 530 €

Muć, the industrial zone of construction land with a total area of ​​43,351 m2 is located in the undeveloped part of the construction industrial zone. Priske Gizdavac (Muć)
Zone for the construction of industrial-production-processing capacities.
Several smaller plots with a total area of ​​2000m2 to 4500m2, which in total amounts to 43,351m2


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Standort der Immobilie

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Jelena Lovrić
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